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Store > Autograph 8x10s > Personalized Thong
Personalized Thong
$100 based on selections below

This item is extremely popular and is back on the storefront for your enjoyment. Get your hands on my personally worn thongs (unwashed). I will send you a black thong & include a 8x10 glossy verification photo of me wearing the thong holding a sign with your personalized message written on a white board! Please make a comment in the message box during checkout about what you would like me to say. I will ship the thong in a sealed plastic bag along with the picture and ship it to you in discreet unmarked packaging. Please remember to add your address of where you want me to send your order. You must be 18 years of age or older to place an order on this website. Shipping: Domestic Orders (USA): Please allow 7-14 days for delivery. Canada & Mexico: Please allow 10-21 days for delivery. International Orders: Please allow 14-30 days for delivery. Refund Policy: 
Due to the unique and personalized nature of my products, I do not allow refunds and/or returns (unless defective). All sales are final. Order Cancellation Policy:
 Once an order has been placed, it cannot be canceled. Returns: Returns on defective products can be returned to: Sparxxx Entertainment Group LLC. 1945 Scottsville Rd. Ste. B-2 #127 Bowling Green, KY 42104

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